04 Pages : 31-43      10.31703/gfpr.2021(IV-I).04      Published : Mar 2021

SINO - US Relations: A Case of Hybrid War

    US National Security Strategy, 2017, mentioned China as a revisionist state, an economic competitor and a challenger. US NSC China declared to compete with China under the guided principles of realism. US actions and strategies make an interesting argument to validate that USA has fallen in the Thucydides Trap, not because China has pushed the US, but because fear has engulfed her and has adopted an appropriate form of war. This article explores the approaches adopted by USA in her Hybrid War against China. It discusses the surge in attacks on China political Center of Gravity. It analyses the created chaos in Hongkong and the engineered clash of Muslim and Chinese civilisations. It observes how Corona Pandemic has been used to malign China and uncovers that US allies have been buoyed up to contain China. Before rendering conclusions, the article examines how the friends of china are being targeted.

    USA, China, Hybrid Warfare, Muslims, Pakistan
    (1) Mian Zahoor Ul Haq
    PhD Scholar, Department of International Relations, Faculty of Contemporary Studies, National Defence University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
    (2) Muhammad Imran Ashraf
    Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations, National Defence University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

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    CHICAGO : Haq, Mian Zahoor Ul, and Muhammad Imran Ashraf. 2021. "SINO - US Relations: A Case of Hybrid War." Global Foreign Policies Review, IV (I): 31-43 doi: 10.31703/gfpr.2021(IV-I).04
    HARVARD : HAQ, M. Z. U. & ASHRAF, M. I. 2021. SINO - US Relations: A Case of Hybrid War. Global Foreign Policies Review, IV, 31-43.
    MHRA : Haq, Mian Zahoor Ul, and Muhammad Imran Ashraf. 2021. "SINO - US Relations: A Case of Hybrid War." Global Foreign Policies Review, IV: 31-43
    MLA : Haq, Mian Zahoor Ul, and Muhammad Imran Ashraf. "SINO - US Relations: A Case of Hybrid War." Global Foreign Policies Review, IV.I (2021): 31-43 Print.
    OXFORD : Haq, Mian Zahoor Ul and Ashraf, Muhammad Imran (2021), "SINO - US Relations: A Case of Hybrid War", Global Foreign Policies Review, IV (I), 31-43