http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gfpr.2022(V-I).06      10.31703/gfpr.2022(V-I).06      Published : Mar 1
Authored by : Fozia Bibi , Lubna Abid Ali

06 Pages : 57-72


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  • Arshad, L. (2004). Internal Dynamics of Iran's Foreign Policy. Pakistan Horizon, 57(1), 47-53. https://www.jstor.org/stable/41394036
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  • Bill, J. A. (1988). The eagle and the lion: the tragedy of American-Iranian relations. Yale University Press.p.86
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  • Fayazmanesh, S. (2003). The Politics of the U.S. Economic Sanctions Against Iran. Review of Radical Political Economics, 35(3), 221–240. https://doi.org/10.1177/0486613403254535
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  • Lavoy, P. R., Sagan, S. D., & Wirtz, J. J. (Eds.). (2000). Planning the unthinkable: how new powers will use nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. Cornell University Press.
  • Mearsheimer, J. J. (2007). Structural realism. International relations theories: Discipline and diversity, 83, 77-94.
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  • Paul, T. V., Wirtz, J. J., & Fortmann, M. (2004). Balance of power: theory and practice in the 21st century. Stanford University Press.
  • Pawlak, J. (2012). EU sanctions target Iran's oil, gas, tanker companies,.
  • Ripsman, N. M., Taliaferro, J. W., & Lobell, S. E. (2016). Neoclassical realist theory of international politics. Oxford University Press. 464-495.
  • Rosenau, J. N. (1980). The scientific study of foreign policy (Vol. 1). New York: Nichols Publishing Company.
  • Samore, G. (2015). Sanctions against Iran: A guide to targets, terms, and timetables. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, 28-29.
  • Sparsha, S. (2014). "Iran's Situations: Military Violence, Protests, and Group Dynamics." PhD diss.,
  • The Iran Primer. (March 08, 2019). Ebrahim Raisi Appointed Judiciary Chief of the United States Institute of Peace. https://iranprimer.usip.org/blog/2019/mar/08/ebrahim-raisi-appointed-judiciary-chief
  • World Bank. (n.d). Iran, Islamic Republic. https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/9300615536724112230280022019/original/IranMEUApril2019Eng.pdf
  • World History. (n.d). History of Iran (Persia) http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?ParagraphID=hiu
  • Adib-Moghaddam, A. (2017). Psycho- nationalism: global thought, Iranian imaginations. Cambridge University Press.
  • Ali, A. (2010). “ The Basij Resistance Force,” The Iran Primer, United States Institue of Peace. https://iranprimer.usip.org/resource/basij-resistance-force
  • Ali, L. A. (2008). Post-Revolutionary Iran: Foreign Policy (No. 100). Research Society of Pakistan.
  • Ali, L. A. (2008). Post-Revolutionary Iran: Foreign Policy (No. 100). Research Society of Pakistan.
  • Al-Jazeera. (2017). Hassan Rouhani wins Iran's presidential election. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/05/iran-election-president-hassan-rouhani-takes-lead-170520042625946.html
  • Arshad, L. (2004). Internal Dynamics of Iran's Foreign Policy. Pakistan Horizon, 57(1), 47-53. https://www.jstor.org/stable/41394036
  • BBC News. (2019). Iran; Who holds the power? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/middle_east/03/iran_power/html/default.stm
  • Bill, J. A. (1988). The eagle and the lion: the tragedy of American-Iranian relations. Yale University Press.p.86
  • Erin, B. (July 22, 2019). "The Tense History of U.S.-Iran Sanctions, from the Hostage Crisis to the Nuclear Deal,".
  • Esfandyar, B. (September 19, 2018). "7- charts-challenge-view-Iran-economy." IPI global observatory,. https://theglobalobservatory.org/2018/09/7-charts-challenge-view-iran-economy/
  • Farideh, F. (2014)."The Assembly of Experts." The Iran Primer.
  • Fayazmanesh, S. (2003). The Politics of the U.S. Economic Sanctions Against Iran. Review of Radical Political Economics, 35(3), 221–240. https://doi.org/10.1177/0486613403254535
  • Ghodsi, M., Astrov, V., Grieveson, R., & Stehrer, R. (2018). The Iranian economy: Challenges and opportunities. Verein" Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche"(wiiw).
  • Habibi, N. (2008). The Iranian economy in the shadow of economic sanctions. Middle East Brief, 31(7), 1-8
  • Hamid, A. (2015). Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. BookBaby.
  • Karsh, E. (2009). The Iran-Iraq War. The Rosen Publishing Group.
  • Katzman, K. (2010). Iran sanctions. Diane Publishing.
  • Katzman, K. (July 12,2019). Iran Sanctions. RS 20871. Congressional Research Service CRS. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RS20871.pdf
  • Katzman, K., & Kerr, P. K. (2016). Iran nuclear agreement. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service. https://www.refworld.org/pdfid/58453dfb4.pdf
  • Keddie, N. R. (1969). The Roots of the Ulama’s Power in Modern Iran. Studia Islamica, 29, 31. https://doi.org/10.2307/1595086
  • Kenneth, N., & Waltz. (n.d). In Schlüsselwerke der Politikwissenschaft, 481-485. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
  • Lake, D. A., & Patrick, M. (1997). Morgan. Regional orders: building security in a new world. University Park, Pennsylvania.
  • Lavoy, P. R., Sagan, S. D., & Wirtz, J. J. (Eds.). (2000). Planning the unthinkable: how new powers will use nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. Cornell University Press.
  • Mearsheimer, J. J. (2007). Structural realism. International relations theories: Discipline and diversity, 83, 77-94.
  • Michael. R. Pompeo. (May 08, 2019). “ First anniversary of President Trump’s New Iran strategy,” Press Statement. https://www.state.gov/remarks-secretary-pompeo/
  • Paul, T. V., Wirtz, J. J., & Fortmann, M. (2004). Balance of power: theory and practice in the 21st century. Stanford University Press.
  • Pawlak, J. (2012). EU sanctions target Iran's oil, gas, tanker companies,.
  • Ripsman, N. M., Taliaferro, J. W., & Lobell, S. E. (2016). Neoclassical realist theory of international politics. Oxford University Press. 464-495.
  • Rosenau, J. N. (1980). The scientific study of foreign policy (Vol. 1). New York: Nichols Publishing Company.
  • Samore, G. (2015). Sanctions against Iran: A guide to targets, terms, and timetables. Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, 28-29.
  • Sparsha, S. (2014). "Iran's Situations: Military Violence, Protests, and Group Dynamics." PhD diss.,
  • The Iran Primer. (March 08, 2019). Ebrahim Raisi Appointed Judiciary Chief of the United States Institute of Peace. https://iranprimer.usip.org/blog/2019/mar/08/ebrahim-raisi-appointed-judiciary-chief
  • World Bank. (n.d). Iran, Islamic Republic. https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/9300615536724112230280022019/original/IranMEUApril2019Eng.pdf
  • World History. (n.d). History of Iran (Persia) http://www.historyworld.net/wrldhis/PlainTextHistories.asp?ParagraphID=hiu

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    CHICAGO : Bibi, Fozia, and Lubna Abid Ali. 2022. "Historical, Empirical and Domestic Pieces of evidence of Iran's Foreign Policy." Global Foreign Policies Review, V (I): 57-72 doi: 10.31703/gfpr.2022(V-I).06
    HARVARD : BIBI, F. & ALI, L. A. 2022. Historical, Empirical and Domestic Pieces of evidence of Iran's Foreign Policy. Global Foreign Policies Review, V, 57-72.
    MHRA : Bibi, Fozia, and Lubna Abid Ali. 2022. "Historical, Empirical and Domestic Pieces of evidence of Iran's Foreign Policy." Global Foreign Policies Review, V: 57-72
    MLA : Bibi, Fozia, and Lubna Abid Ali. "Historical, Empirical and Domestic Pieces of evidence of Iran's Foreign Policy." Global Foreign Policies Review, V.I (2022): 57-72 Print.
    OXFORD : Bibi, Fozia and Ali, Lubna Abid (2022), "Historical, Empirical and Domestic Pieces of evidence of Iran's Foreign Policy", Global Foreign Policies Review, V (I), 57-72
    TURABIAN : Bibi, Fozia, and Lubna Abid Ali. "Historical, Empirical and Domestic Pieces of evidence of Iran's Foreign Policy." Global Foreign Policies Review V, no. I (2022): 57-72. https://doi.org/10.31703/gfpr.2022(V-I).06